Monday, September 29, 2008

Big E Results

Here are some of the results at the Big E.
Tempest: Best Senior Doe, Best of Breed and Grand Champion of Oberhasli and Best Oberhasli Milker
Dafny: 1st Place in 6-12 month Oberhasli
Thelma Lou: 4th in 6-12 month Oberhasli
Sarah: 4th in 4-6 month Saanen
Maddie: 10th in Oberhasli dry yearling

Josiah won the knowledge test for all of New England junior showman!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Big E

This past weekend the boys had the priviledge of participating in Big E showing their goats. They stayed in the dorms there and had all their meals provided. They took part in the showmanship, herdsmanship and breed competition. There also was a general knowledge test. The boys did well and had a great time.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Evening with Grace

What better way to spend a Friday evening than with Gracie. We made crafts together, sang, laughed, played in the bath, and had a wonderful time.

Gracie and Aunty Bet making Cookies

Gracie and Aunty Bet made cookies together last night. They had fun!!!!! After baking they read books, played and laughed . We sure had a great evening!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Apple Picking

Daniel and Elisabeth took the boys apple picking Saturday. We made apple crisp and had some friends over to play games and enjoy dessert!

Teen Activity

Saturday we had a teen activity which included introducing our new teens. Jeremiah was one of the new teens and enjoyed the initiation games. We were also pleased to have Elisabeth and Daniel there to help.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Goat Friends

Elisabeth frequently helps friends with their animals. She disbudded these cuties!


Josiah grew watermelon's this year. We have enjoyed the fruit of his labor.

Josiah Turns 15!!!

Can you believe that Josiah is 15? We celebrated his birthday with Jake, Lauren and cute, little Gracie. We had a blast!

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