Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bet and Emma

Elisabeth's back is much better. She loves little Emma and enjoys bottle feeding her.

Bet's Herb Garden

Last week was nice and sunny so we decided to work in the yard. We planted two apple trees, one pear tree, a forsythia bush, two raspberry bushes, peas, onions, spinach, marigolds and Bet tried to plant a herb garden. As you can see, she had a lot of "help" from Emma.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Happy 70th Birthday Jidoo

Yesterday we celebrated Jidoo's 70th birthday. We all went to Cafe Lebanon in Springfield, Mass.. We had a great time. We are thankful to the Lord for Jidoo and all he has done over the years.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

New Kid on our Farm

Monday morning we had a baby goat born. Elisabeth had hurt her back on Sunday and was not able to help. Jeremiah and I were there for the "blessed event". Elisabeth named her Emma. She is a cutie.

Gracie turns two

We celebrated Gracie's birthday last Saturday at Jake and Lauren's house. We had a wonderful time. There was a lot of friends and family there. We had delicious food and Aunty Bet made her a "piggie cake".

Josh, Can and Cole's visit

Josh, Can and Cole came up this week-end to help celebrate Gracie's 2nd birthday. We had so much fun with them. Josiah and Jeremiah love having their brother here to fool around with. Cole is a lot of fun,too.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Our chickens lay eggs that are different colors and sizes. We get blue, green, brown and white eggs. We thought you might like to see the difference in sizes.

Jake, Lauren, Gracie and Noni come to visit.

Jake, Lauren, Grace and Noni came for a visit yesterday. Noni liked the baby chicks and Gracie held the duck! (by the neck)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Bethie has new ducks!

Bethie has always wanted ducks. Yesterday her Dad came home from the grain store with two baby ducks for her! She hasn't named them yet, any suggestions?

Maple Syrup

We finally boiled down all of our sap! We got about 3/4 of a gallon! It sure is yummy and sweet and it came from our own trees!!

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